Saturday 15 February 2014

Binaural Beats for Better Sleep

While this won't exactly guarantee a lucid dream for everybody, it would drastically improve your chances of getting one tonight.

But that's not exactly the reason why I would suggest people to listen to it.

The reason I want to suggest it to everybody is because apart from being a very effecting LD aid, it's also a very effective way of boosting your energy throughout the day.

Now while I know that not everyone's open to the idea of lucid dreaming, or well perhaps they just don't have the time to study it.. whatever the case may be, I do know for a fact that a lot of us are looking for a way to accomplish not only more things, but also accomplish them in a very efficient manner.

How it works:

As some of you may already know, the quality of sleep highly depends on how much REM sleep you get every single night. The more the REM = the higher the quality = the lesser hours of sleep needed.

Different stages of sleep:

Basically, this particular binaural beat works by helping you squeeze as much as many REM sleep through out the whole audio session.

How binaural beat technology works:

And the best part?

It won't cost you a single dime, not to mention the fact that it's all natural too. Doesn't have any strings attached, meaning to say the likelihood of experiencing any side effects whatsoever from spending an hour two listening to these is very, very, very slim. Epileptics and schizophrenics may need to consult their doctors first, though.

Download: Free Binaural - LUCID DREAM AUDIO

Sit back, relax and let the beat play.

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